dilluns, 30 de novembre del 2020

Joyce: L'amor vingué a nosaltres


Sunyer 1922

"L'amor vingué a nosaltres ja fa temps,
quan l'un, amb timidesa, cap al tard
jugava, i l'altre, amb por, restava a prop,
car l'amor al començ és molt covard.

Fórem uns amants greus. Passà l'amor
que abundants hores dolces ens portà.
Benvinguts a nosaltres a la fi
els camins per on ara hem d'avançar."

James Joyce (Chamber music n. 30, 1908; traducció de Marià Villangómez)

Text original

"Love came to us in time gone by
When one at twilight shyly played
And one in fear was standing nigh -- -
For Love at first is all afraid.

We were grave lovers. Love is past
That had his sweet hours many a one;
Welcome to us now at the last
The ways that we shall go upon."

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